We have been using Mimos Pillow for our little Tako for about 4 months plus now and it was very promising when we noticed such great improvement to his head shape. During his “more baby days”, when he’s less wriggly, he used to sleep either flat or only on one side (Yes, he can sleep […]
mini C
#miniC2 : Gender Reveal!

This pregnancy journey for me was definitely very different from my first one – as I’ve not had any morning sickness, felt more active and less weight gain. Haha. Oh well, I was younger back then I guess. You may read about my Week 20 Pregnancy Updates HERE. Still, we’re very overjoyed learning that there […]
#ccPregnancy & Bumpdates at Week 20!

As some of you might know, Papa C and I are expecting baby number 2 early next year! And right now… We’ve reached the halfway point of this pregnancy! At 20 weeks pregnant my little dumpling is about the size of an banana! (According to my Baby centre app). I’ve not actually thoroughly […]
Kiddomo Universe – The Future Playland @ Starling Mall

As a mom, I always believe that play is one of the main ways in which children learn. Especially after having Mini C, I felt this importance has grown. Mini C is not a classroom type person in which he likes activities more than just sitting down. Through play, it helps to build self worth […]
A Letter to our Mini C on his 3rd Birthday

Dear Cayden, How is it even possible that you are already three years old?! It feels like just yesterday I was writing a letter to you on your second and first birthdays. A minute ago we were celebrating the fact that you were finally walking—right around the time you turned 12 months—and now? You’re totally […]
Staycation with Mini C: Cameron Highlands Resort