CLICK for full info 🙂 Our Wedding wouldn’t be a total complete fairytale if there weren’t any “heng-dais & ji-muis” a.k.a groomsmen & bridesmaids to fill up our puzzle. They have been such great helpers and we would love to thank them so sincerely that they’ll tear here after reading this post. At least we […]
Wedding Itinerary
C ♥ C Wedding Diary: It’s Official!

Dearest readers & friends! We’re “officially” married! after this whole ceremony 🙂 Thank you for all the endless support! Shall blog about all the plannings & our wedding vendors as soon as we get the pics and videos! 😉 Meanwhile…. it’s back to the food agenda again! Now we can fully concentrate! *determined to be […]
C ♥ C Wedding Diary: Be your own Wedding Planner!