March 11 and 15 marks the jovial occasion for my parentsJust wanna wish mom and dad…. A very Happy Birthday! Love you both! May this year fill you both with good health and eternal happiness! and also to WeiZhi, Happy Belated birthday. You’ve been a dear friend and good makan companion. Hope you had a […]
Spicing up Monday blues

It’s been so long since both of us really enjoyed a bowl of Malaysian noodles.Nope.You won’t be able to find the genuine taste here.It’s another Monday again & hope these home-cooked noodles could help tidy up the Monday blue syndrome! What Chris cooked to restore what we’ve been missing so long. Curry Noodles with Crispy […]
The pictures will recover in no time 🙂I’ve exceeded my monthly quota! ;P Next up: Saint Valentine’s Day
Happy 牛 Year

The 牛 year was ushered following a warm, memorable and lip-smacking reunion dinner that all of us concocted.All being a first timer celebrating CNY away from home…Not being with family…The feeling of being home-sick was swiftly swept away by the enthusiasm of whipping up a feast in rejoices of CNY 2009! *Dong Dong Chiang* *Gong […]
the MAKAN list
MALAYSIAN / HAWKER Chawan @ Bangsar Capitol Satay (Satay Celup) @ Malacca Famous ABC @ Malacca H.J Samuri Satay Restaurant @ Kajang Kuen Jie Hakka Loh Mee & Curry Mee @ Balakong Malayas Bistro @ CapSquare, KL Meng Kee Grill Fish @ Jalan Alor Nancy’s Kitchen (Nyonya) @ Malacca Nasi Lemak Panas Gerai Yati & […]

Does it really matter to reveal your age?This question doesn’t seem to bother me at all until recently.Birthdays are supposed to be celebrated with elation and joy, without agonizing over the increasing number. True.However, the feeling of turning old-er can’t be wiped out. Plus, the excitement of graduating in approximately half a year time was […]
Happy Birthday Bro!

A non-food post 17th Novembermarks the birth date of my mischievous and cool bro.Just wanna dedicate something to you, Kent (if u r reading this), since I’m far away from home ;PSorry, no presents this year. Oops! Promise I’ll double up your prezzies next year ;P and make you REAL cupcakes ^^ I hate to […]
Cheesy Bakes

When there are lecture free days….When you are tired drenching yourself with knotty, tedious and long-winded journals…..When you wanna find an excuse to run off from generating words to write the intro for thesis…..When the BF is out working….. What’s best to kill time?Let’s Bake! Being a noob in baking, I called AiWei back home […]
Another New Chapter. Another New Baby.
Our journey of food blogging started off pretty simple.We were undemanding on the photographs we took. Simply because the fervour has not been built just yet. However, more and more pleasing and tempting pictures captured us. I decided to make a move.Ended up with the PowerShot A650IS.I was contented. just enough. Time goes by.More captivating […]
LOVE is priceless
this is a non-food post It seems like yesterday, when i first set my foot in a foreign place so far from home.Adapting to a totally new environment is kinda tough for me. What’s more when I received a shocking news from mom 2 weeks later.A news of misery. As my dad’s liver’s cancer marker […]
Lessons so far…

A routine to follow each day,Surface ideas to feed our ravenous cravings,Lessons in cookery is enhanced,without myself noticing it. Food oh Food,The main entry of all gatherings,The cheering fare that helped our brains work…. better ;P and so far……we had: One night we decided to prepare a western spread:The “Chefs”: Christine & Jeannie The side […]
Homemade Mee Hoon Kueh!
Then:I woke up each morning with a serving of a hot bowl of noodles that awaits to nourish my day. Pan mee, curry mee, shredded pork noodles, wantan me… Now:I woke up each morning with a serving of cold milk and corn flakes as breakfast. Longing for the piping hot preparation of noodles back home, […]
BBQ out in the Cold!
The moment I stepped onto Glasgow, I find summer grouchy. Cold, raining unpredictably and strong winds whooshing round me non-stop.I miss the sunny weather back home……However, recently, I feel the warmness…..It feels like summer again.Glasgow has finally achieve the temperature of more than 20 degree celcius!however… I feel stuffy at home ;P Gentle breeze with […]
I’m Loved
I’ll be leaving Malaysia in less than 24 hours!! So gonna miss the endless list of things and the people here! Most probably I’m gonna end up crying like mad at the airport tomorrow. u can bet ;P Thank you for all the accompaniment, farewells and activities that made me even more heavy-hearted… LOVE u […]
Completed. Almost.
Completion of Part A Master of the Pharmacy Program in IMU.Something to be proud of.However, a convocation with the well-groomed robe without a hood nor a mortar board? I was contemplating then whether to attend or not.In fact, I found out that most of my batchmates did have this mixed feeling. On second thought, I […]
Another Year has gone…
My blog just turned 1!!oh my, time really flies… Actually I don’t really know I started food blogging since March! ok.. I thought it was May. Was browsing through the older post till I finally realize this ;P clumsy me.And guess it was these that ignited my contemplation to start off with photo taking, developing […]
Happy Birthday to you both!
My parent’s birthday was just a few days in between one another, so each year we would celebrate my dear mom and dad’s big day together. Special thanks to BBO for the marvelous Mont Blanc cake that augmented the special day further with cheesy & delectable mood before I ought to filter my thoughts on […]
When I was to blog about another food post, this crossed my mind. Decided to show you guys something even more delicious and luring. ;P What’s your decisive factor to describe a model in your mind? tall? pretty? stylish? great figure? potential? Dear friends & readers,If you’re currently following the vogue over the net, you’ll […]
Let’s Potluck @ BBO’s!
Ever since the last gathering with many well-known floggers at My Elephant, we have been keeping in touch now and then. I could never feel more contented than having them around. Originating from different age and personality, we still can share laughters and issues despite these factors. I admit.I love hanging out.With them. Chris and […]
The Food Fair
In the hope to make plans for an event to raise fund for our class’s convo mag, the food fair was organized by the committees to furnish more ready money.Gotta earn it ourselves…with Food!The success of this event just can’t be denied. From delicious foods to creative game sessions, our batch just earned all the […]