The joyous Mid-Autumn or Mooncake Festival is around the corner and we bet many families are celebrating it over the weekend! Gatherings with traditional lanterns, with candles lit and mooncake of course, for the festival of moon worship. This is known as a time of the year when moon is at its “fullest”; that is […]
It’s been 9 years!

Though there’s the little devil in me in churning out little troubles for Chris to bear…… We’re still glad that we have each other. The journey along was amazing. And growing stronger. Love has never been smooth sailing, but with him, I learned to spell it right. 9 years down the road! Loving you forever, […]
Themed Parties: Tea Party this round!

We’re such enthusiastic girls when it comes to organizing themed parties & the guys just have to give in and sportingly joined in the fun. Ever since our high at Cafe Stelle, we longed for our own session.What’s fun this time again?Alice in Wonderland Tea Party (minus the mad hatter)#1 The Wonderland & Set-upsVenue: Find […]
Back 2 School! With lotsa good Food!

In conjunction with Teachers’ Day, we would like to bring back some old school highlights; a party themed “Back 2 School” that we organized during Sugar’s Birthday.With invitations, costumes and props, we’re all set to go! #1 Invitations“Foodie Girl here.Your one and only source into the Scandalous Appetite of KL’s elite.Spotted:New term starts and it’s […]

Brought up 2 Share just turned 3! Thanks for being with us still… and the great support! Hope to share more with you guys with our mighty appetite ;P Travel & Food. Kami Cinta! note: song chosen solely based on its title, not the lyrics 🙂 & I like this song lah!
Gong Xi Fa Cai & Happy V-Day !

It’s really a rare occasion when CNY meets V-Day. It only happens once in a blue moon. The calendar just reminded me today that both days fell on the exact date & V-Day was almost forgotten. Chris & I would love to wish you guys: Forgotten V-Day? It doesn’t really matter as long as we […]
Pho Hoa @ Tropicana City Mall

We have not attempted to savour any Vietnamese cuisine when we started blogging. Know it’s shameful but Viet food doesn’t furnish a snap into our mind during that time. Not till we visited Hanoi…… There was a turnover of appetite and perception changes. When Pho Hoa invited fellow foodies over for a sampling session, many […]
Simple Ways to Party Good

Just to share with you some simple tips to party healthily with THEMES. Themed party dominates! Warning: Pictures loaded post. So do bear with me. Thanks! Please complete each section within 15 minutes. Read all descriptions carefully and do not follow strictly although I do recommended you to do so. HaHa. Section A Back to […]
It’s 2010!!

Another year has gone. It seemed that every year speed fast. Almost like sprinting. I should’ve fine year 2009 heavily. But it’s ok. As we’re looking forward to a new year ahead and a new decade! Cheers to Year 2010 people! And have a memorable one with your loved ones! almost contraindicated: a new year […]
Chris is a Quarter of a Century! Happy Birthday!

Dearest Chris, 27th December means a lot to you this year. As you have to bear with the fact of reaching a quarter of a century… haha. Wishing the best of everything from the bottom of my heart. I love you. Happy Birthday Chris! Love from, Christine *can’t pour too much love here* haha.
To my Dearest Christine: You’re 24!

I love keeping things simple & I love you.Muack Muacks! Happy 24th Birthday! Yours always, Chris ~ 11.12.2009 ~
Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards 2009 @ Singapore

It was like a hobby to me. Sitting right in front of the ‘idiot box’, staring and scrutinizing almost every celebrity who walked onto the red carpet. Such loyal fan to music awards and Oscars. Here I am, the dream seemed vivid now. Our red carpet moment We would like to extend our deepest gratitude […]
Ole-Ole Bali @ Solaris Mont Kiara: Annual Friendship Day

We used to be strangers visiting and commenting on each others blog.We met up for food review sessions.We called each other out for more excursions.Now.We were strangers growing into a chummy party, celebrating our Annual Friendship Day together.The BFFs: AiWei, KampungBoyCityGal and SugarBean message cards I made for remembrance 🙂 CityGal suggested a Bali theme […]
Tenji Japanese Buffet @ Solaris Mont’ Kiara

We’ve never ventured out far to neither Sri Hartamas or Mont’ Kiara. Even if we have done so, it was ages ago. When Bao suggested that we should go check Tenji out, I agreed immediately. When I first read about its first review from Precious Pea in Glasgow, this has been one of the must-visit […]
Away for Holiday

We’ll be away for holiday for the time being.Europe here we come!!! Will be back on blogosphere about 2 weeks later. Can’t wait to get our feet back again on Malaysia and feed on those long-missed food! picture taken in Royal Crescent, Bath
8th Anniversary

GRADUATION’s today,Parents are here,and it’s our 8th ANNIVERSARY!*gleeing* will be off to Lake District tomorrow morning 🙂 sorry for the lack of time to update and return to my usual routine of blog hopping…Can’t wait to update!!! thx to yeulou for the amazing pic again!He had drawn us for 3 consecutive years! (seems like I’ve […]
The Graduation Party

The early month of June were tensed up, but began with moods of anticipation after periods of exam fever.Results to be concerned over.But saved with contentment that guaranteed my future endeavour. And then there was a fuss about house moving.Sold utensils and gave-away bits and pieces, we’re almost left with nothing.Luckily our dwelling in London […]

Finally….After all these years of yearning and learning… I’m a Master of Pharmacy Degree holder! woohoo…..! Attended the Graduation Ball a day after results are out and it was a blast. truly. Chris in kilt. His Prince Charlie outfit 😉 Love his tartan! Chris and I will be shifting to London tomorrow morning for the […]

Hey peeps! This is no April’s Fool joke! Chris and I have decided to start a PHOTOBLOG. Have the thoughts on this for sometime and finally there was an inner impulse to action it.A hobby started right from the start of food blogging, the desire to churn out better photographs expands day to day. Site […]
Brought up 2 SharE turns 2

Another year has gone rounding up 2 years of blogging. Dearest readers & friends, Hope we’ve brought heaps of delicious sharings to all of you. Still more to come!! 2 years old is still very young 🙂 Glasgow’s fares Malaysian fares Can’t believe I’ve settled down in Glasgow for 9 months already. Less than 2 […]