We have been using Mimos Pillow for our little Tako for about 4 months plus now and it was very promising when we noticed such great improvement to his head shape. During his “more baby days”, when he’s less wriggly, he used to sleep either flat or only on one side (Yes, he can sleep […]
Product Review
Designing your Perfect Sofa @ Flexis Haus: We like ours Stain-Free!

Finding the perfect sofa to match your furnitures or house design / layout can be very challenging. It has to be of good quality, your preferred colour and size, nice fabrics and the right design. We spent quite sometime scrutinizing websites and visiting show galleries to hunt for the right sofa for our family hall […]
MiniC2 Needs: Shnuggle Dreami® & Baby Bath

Whether you’re expecting your first child or your fourth, anxiety in the weeks leading up to your due date is a reality of life. There are always those people around me, eager to “warn” me about life with a baby…or two…or three—and how difficult it will be. You’re probably sweating over how you’ll manage everything—the […]
Happy Mommy, Happy Baby with Haenim UV Sterilizer!

Sterilizing is no easy task. It is very tedious and requires too much effort. The most dreaded part would be the work that you have to do after the sterilization process: the drying process – should we just wipe it off or air-dry it? This is a normal scenario when you’re using a regular baby […]
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Wanderlust Beauty Box by Althea