Weekends are supposed to be enjoyed. Spending weekends here at Glasgow are most often contributed doing grocery shopping, laundry-ing….I miss the cinema weekends and chilling out at malls with Chris.Sunday get-together with family.However, finding leisure around here,Getting yourself connected to the nature,Is much easier. There we went, to the Isle of Bute.Walking, taking the train […]
♥ Our Travelogue ♥
Living in Glasgow. I need more Food.

Before starting out my venture for more food in Glasgow, I would like to show off a little something to my parents and family 😛I can actually cook!Look mom! *laughs* It might look a little distracting, but it’s tasty enough. Just adequate.The Seaweed with Beef Balls Soup warmed us all that rainy night. I miss […]
A New Post. A New Country

It’s been a week since I left my beloved people around….To a place that I’ve never been…Glasgow has many to offer.Cool weather (very cold for me actually although it’s summer!)Nice environment.Amazing buildings. Except the hectic class from 9 to 5 everyday… ;(Learning to be independent is one very encouraging process, sometimes it’s tough too.Learning to […]