This pregnancy journey for me was definitely very different from my first one – as I’ve not had any morning sickness, felt more active and less weight gain. Haha. Oh well, I was younger back then I guess. You may read about my Week 20 Pregnancy Updates HERE.
Still, we’re very overjoyed learning that there will be another for us to love and pamper in less than 3 months time. I’m currently at Week 28 and Mini C has somehow accepted that he’s going to be a big brother soon – at leat for now. Not sure what’s his reaction when he finally meets the baby.
And thus being myself (an emotional one these days), I would like to pen down these messages for Mini C.
Dear Mini C,
You will always be my baby. My firstborn. My little love. My best friend. The long days spent just you and I will hold a special spot in my heart forever. Every fiber of my being loves your little soul. And it is about to love you even more. And soon, you and I will both have another to love as well.
You’ll be the best big brother! You were so small yet you taught me so much about being a mom. I’m sorry that you were at the center of all of my trials and errors. I wanted so much to get it right.
I think my expectations of you when you were that small were unrealistic. I spent so much time worrying that you weren’t getting enough sleep and that maybe you weren’t developing properly because of something I was doing wrong that, often, I didn’t allow myself to just enjoy the the simplicity of you as a baby. You were our first. Never again will I get the chance to do that over.
Just know that I love you so, so much. That will never change. You will always be my first child, my first little love, and nothing will take that away. I am so proud of the boy you are and can’t wait to see the man you become. You are going to be an incredible example for your little brother, and I couldn’t be more proud.
I’m scared and I’m anxious, and I’m ready. And what’s more, I believe that you are too.
And yes, It’s a Boy!
I do hope I’ll be treated like a queen by my 3 boys!
Thank you Papa C for being such a loving husband and daddy. And loving every pic that you took, creating great memories for us all.
Maternity photos are a great way to capture a fleeting yet important moment in a new mother’s life. And I’m glad I did it this round – With Papa C and Mini C together : on our own! Haha.
We did our shoot during the Babymoon Staycation at Traders Hotel.
Nothing very fancy about the shoot. Just good lighting, comfy room with great views and Mini C was very cooperative!
Started as 2, now going on 4!
Boy oh Boy
Dear Mini C 2,
May you continue to continue grow healthily in mommy’s womb!
See you next year!
Big thanks to the superb team at Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur for the spread!

Aww.. Such a sweet post. Can sense kor kor is matured now. Great photos and the food..yum yum..