Dear Cayden,
How is it even possible that you are already three years old?! It feels like just yesterday I was writing a letter to you on your second and first birthdays. A minute ago we were celebrating the fact that you were finally walking—right around the time you turned 12 months—and now? You’re totally fearless; a true thrill seeker. You climb to the highest points of playgrounds; you’re always doing things that make me nervous, and you know it too. Pushing the boundaries; being a boy.
Two was such a big year for you. You started preschool (2 months ago) and made new friends. To be honest, you went in already knowing all of your letters and numbers. And even reading lots of words!
Over this last year you’ve really shown us what you’re interested in. You love music of course, but you’re also really starting to enjoy other puzzles and surprise eggs. I love watching you grow and discover the world, and seeing your personality develop. You seem very laid back & cool. Taking your own sweet time.
My hope for you this next year, is that you continue to explore the things you love, and try new things. I hope you keep making more friends, and show the world how bright your light shines. I’m excited to see how much you learn, and hear more of what you’re thinking about.
Everyone we know mentions how smart you are, and I hope you never lose that. I hope you grow up to be a polite, brilliant, sweet young man who is kind to others.
Even though you throw tantrum at times, you are the perfect little boy for me, and for that I’m so thankful. Know that I’m always here for you, and I love you more than you know! And you know what? No matter how big you get, you’ll always be our baby.
With love from the bottom of my heart,
Mommy & Daddy
Mini C’s Musical Three!
Since he’s very into musical instruments lately, he even taught us about “Accordions” & “Double Bass”! We decided the theme should be Musical Three!
Big thanks to My RainbowDreamz Balloons , our musical themed deco is in safe hands.
I just told Mei Yen from My RainbowDreamz Balloons that Mini C loves colours and musical instruments. And Ta-Da!
Cakes from Buttercake Factory, also ordered by My RainbowDreamz Balloons. All well taken care of! Efficient service and creative team they have.
My RainbowDreamz Balloons
Tel: +6012 379 8318 (Mei Yen)
More photos!
One with Popo!
Mom Squad & Daddy Daycare!
High School besties!
Music Teacher Andrew jamming Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with the kids!