Even for the past years, when tablet devices and email threaten to take over, the hand-written thank you card or letters still comes up trumps in the politeness stakes. But not to all of us. New research suggests that saying thank you or even other greetings by letter or card is a dying art.
We’ve recently attended a meaningful event organized by The Techy Hub, known as:
Relive the Print! by The Inkredibles
Where we get to see, feel, learn, touch, draw & write – everything hands on. This reminds me about when was the last time I decorate & write a proper greeting card / letter for my loved ones. As most would prefer to do so via social media, email or text messages in this digital era.
So, in case you’ve decided that writing a thank you card is just too difficult this year – or indeed, you’re of the generation that have never written one – here’s a handy guide to how the process works.
1. Buy card (from Inkredibles my recommendation) & and pen
2. Write a few lines of heart-felt thanks
3. Put card in envelope
4. Leave the house and visit post office
5. Ask for single stamp
6. Put in post box
And we get to do all of these at the event! Yes, including the post box part!
We were shown and explained about all the printing processes & machines that they’ve used during the olden days, including the latest technologies as well. And they even have the Letterpress printing alphabets & numerical!
Nicely designed interactive notebooks / travel journals/ greeting cards by Inkredibles.
Paint your own postcards, & get ’em printed in real postcards template! Very fun indeed 🙂
My mama showing her art-sy side. Drawing and painting her own postcard 🙂
One of my artwork. LOL.
Using the Letterpress as stamps for the postcards.
Artist Ivy in action!
Told you we mailed out our postcards too. Hehe
Ivy doing her favourite tasks. She always mails out postcards whenever she travels. Good practice!
Some of their creative corners
And Photobooth!
Special thanks to Inkredibles for this gift pack full of my favourite Notebooks, Greeting Cards & Postcards! And I love how they die-cut the attached paper feathers!
Thank you Inkredibles & The Techy Hub for the great experience!
The Inkredibles aim to instil and evoke the nostalgic joys of print from quirky stationery to personalised gifts. Bring them along on your adventures, craft new stories and create new memories!
For more information about The Inkcredibles by The Techy Hub please visit their Website and Facebook.
Website: https://theinkredibles.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/theinkrediblesmy/