Pregnancy and birth have always been a magical time for mothers, be it for the first time or for successive children. We, as Asian mothers have been known to set aside a confinement period of at least 30 days to help us recover after the changes brought upon our physical and psychological being.
Well, yes of course we gained weight. Lots of weight!
Some will say, “It’s wind!”
While some mentioned, “Water retention”.
Most of us will follow a strict regime of diet and traditional treatments such as herbal bath (I did ginger bath daily), stomach binding and massage to help us relax and recover our pre natal shapes.
What are the benefits of the postnatal massage?
- The postnatal massage is believed to:
- Improve blood circulation;
- Expel “wind”
- Lift back the womb and keep it from sagging
- Break down fat
- Tone and shape the body to help the new mom get her pre-baby body back
- Speed up overall recovery from labour and birth
And thanks to Neutrosense, they help me regain my confidence, my body & state of mind back.
Neutrosense recommended me to go for their Lymphatic Cellulite Massage, which is the best option for post natal & best to be conducted during confinement.
It’s benefits?
- Slimming
- Reduces wind & water retention
- Drain toxin from our body
- Solve obstruction problem
- Burns fats
All that we need to gain our pre-baby body back, eliminate toxins & improve blood circulation.
They uses the Alqvimia Massage Oil which helps to shape our figure in a natural and effective way, preventing excess weight and liquid retention through its draining action, activating micro-circulation, while toning the skin.
Also, the usage of ginger oil with this Alqvimia oil concurrently helps to expel wind and warm the body as well as promoting good blood circulation and burn off stubborn fats!
On top of that, they also uses the Chinese traditional detox Brusher for improvement of blood circulation & reducing wind. Their service also includes breast massage that will stimulate milk production. Great for breastfeeding mommies!
Since my pain threshold is low when they massage my tummy area, they considerately advised me to opt for the usage of machine which help to break down fats faster (also in the package). This treatment not only helps your tummy muscles realign, it also eases tired and sore muscles. The massage is also very helpful if your stomach muscles have separated.
Lifting back the womb
In today’s urban setting, where many young couples and nuclear families live far away from extended family, this reliable and comforting support system comes handy!
Though I’ve some more kilos to loose, but my tummy area have flatten a lot & lost some inches on my waist compared to when I’ve just gave birth to Mini C. Saying goodbye to cellulites was even happier! Now gotta watch over my diet by eating healthy & adding some light exercises would definitely help.
Thanks to Neutrosense for the confidence 🙂
Having a baby might gain you weights and fats that you fear you might not loose but with post natal massages & self discipline, we will enjoy exhilarating moments when we meet our baby. Well, life will be chock full of amazing moments from then!
Post Natal Lymphatic Cellulite Massage
They also offer HOUSE VISITING SERVICES for this massage too
For enquiries on their packages, please call for appointment:
Ariel: 012 297 2817
Jessy: 012318 8902
or visit their office at:
Neutrosense Face & Body
C-12-6, Dataran 3 Two business centre,
Section 19, Jalan 19/1,
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Tel: 03-7954 6311
For dear readers who are interested, here’s a special promotion if you quote “Brought up 2 SharE” when you walk in their office:
RM128 for a full set of:
45min Foot Spa with Chinese herbs
90min Lymphatic Massage + Brush
20min Steam bath