When we got our very own credit card for the first time during the first stepping stone out to the corporate world……
The memory is still vivid.
We vowed not to overspend.
We vowed not to use the credit card so frequent as we would tend to use more money which we can’t see.
How naive.
Credit cards are one of the essentials/ must-have items in your wallet now. The item that once equal to just convenience has now evolved and multiplied into more than that.
Talk about discounts. Who doesn’t want that? And most of the time, we would just leave the reward treats/ points/ privileges catalogue to rot at home and forget all about how much we could actually save by using the respective credit cards! I bet most of you have missed out many offers with your credit card while you walked out of a store or restaurant. Rather than flipping back through your privileges catalogue or confusing yourself with which card to use for which store, there’s something that could be the antidote.
With Rewards2Go, you will be more aware of the privileges that has been entitled to you! You can easily access the exclusive benefits highlighted to your credit cards and shop more confidently. As a smart shopper, Rewards2Go is definitely a great companion. You will always be updated with the latest offers to enjoy the best your credit cards.
Best of all, this App is FREE!
Download Rewards2Go onto your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch to have it a go like us!
You could search the offers by Bank/ Credit Card or by Merchant.
Choose your Bank
or Merchant
Search could be done further in detail by Category: Dining, Entertainment, Health & Beauty, Hotels, Shopping
Since we are always out for FOOD Hunts, we clicked DINING the most 😛
Beside, you could also compare offers among Banks for same Merchant and look out for the best Card.
Offers can be viewed in detail
Remember to Bookmark offers and benefits (add them in Favourites) for future reference
An App that was just released on 7/7/12, Rewards2Go is fast, easy convenient and will constantly be updated. Thus, no worries about missing out the Hot Deals! Plus, more Banks and Privileges will be added. Wheee!
Rewards2Go will constantly be updated according to the latest offers. Additional Banks and Credit Cards privileges will be added to the list soon.
We’re the happy diners!
And I’m a happy shopper!
A new ideal lifestyle companion.
No I’m not checking on FB. Rewards2Go is my new best friend 🙂
To get more information, log onto http://ai.my/rewards2go.php
And FYI, Rewards2go can be downloaded from app store by searching “Rewards2go” or http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/rewards2go/id529431458?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D2
“Boss, can sub me another card?” *grin*

love your post Christine! very good guide to finding rewards in town 🙂
thanks gal 🙂
Excellent recommendation! No need to carry huge rewards catalogues everywhere any more! haha
yes really convenient! 🙂
Nice design!
thank you 🙂
very good guide C&C. you two are the best people we look up to when we want to know where is new in town for us to try! with this new application, rewards can be found even easier and better. thanks for the recommendation. i have just downloaded it myself =)