4 Replies to “Melaka (Malacca) Food – Day Trip!”

  1. love this food trip!!! 🙂
    when again can we go cuti cuti malaysia?!

  2. Haha, nice! You got all the food places listed out! Ah, might take some time before we can post this. So many old posts. @.@

  3. Hi dey,

    Would like to recommend our family hainanese food since 60s’in Melaka to you and your gang, hope you guy can give it a try the next trip to Melaka then.

    兴丰信记餐馆 Heng Hong Tin Kee Restaurant (famous Hainanese Mutton Soup)

    see you guy ya.

    1. Thanks a lot for the recommendation Candy 🙂 Will give it a try when we’re there again 🙂

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