I remembered well my English cousin from London once asked me when we brought her out for breakfast during her visit to Malaysia:
“Why do you guys have noodles like, ALL the time?”
“It’s SO HEAVY for breakfast!”
“I still love my cereals & milk”
Come to think of it, it’s really unusual for us, not to have a bowl of piping hot noodles to start off our day right?
When dad exclaimed to us one day that he had the BEST TOAST in town, we were excited to check out its whereabouts.
Spotted: Located at Kajang Town, this little coffee shop tucked in at the heart of the town at one of the old shoplots have been operating for a long time even during Chris’s toddling times, where his parents would bring him over for breakfast. It’s kinda hard to find an authentic Chinese coffee house in KL or Klang valley nowadays don’t you agree?
Half-boiled Kampung Eggs (perfectly done)
Kaya Butter Toast – crispy on the outside, fragrant kaya and butter to match with.
We recommend this 🙂
Noodles were great too.
Curry Noodles (RM3.50)
Chicken Noodles Soup (RM3.50)
the only noodle stall in this little coffee shop. Be sure to find this place 🙂
P/S: we have been feeding on cereals and milk for a year previously. It was really not bad after all & we missed it! hehe.
View Tung Sing Coffee Shop in a larger map
What’s your favourite breakfast to start off your day?

Eh Mendaling Street in Kajang got such coffee shop ah? Must go and hunt for it this Sunday. Maybe I've eaten b4 but didn't bother to know the name of the shop. LOL
i luv those kampung half boil eggs! when i balik kampung i get to hav those really fresh ones. collected in the morning straight from the chicken my grandparents rear.. yum!
Wow, love the photos, very VERY nice 🙂
ps – My favourite breakies? Wan Tan Mee!!!
definitely not noodles or rice unless is a brunch
Toast, eggs and coffee.
Hands down.
ooo, kaya butter toast!
meowww, when we breakkie again??? o brunch o tea o dinner? i can't wait liaooo
those reddish yolk kampung eggs are lovely.
Such exquisite photos that I was almost misled to believe that Tung Sing was an exclusive breakfast haunt (like hotel or something), LOL! =P
Ah the half boiled eggs look so lovely. I wished kopitiam near my place makes half boiled eggs like those. Kajang too far leh for me lol.
Ah my number 1 choice of breakfast anytime 🙂
If can, I'll have half boil eggs, kaya & butter toast, sausages, sunny side up, bacon, porridge, soup noodle AND roti canai….as my breakfast, sound greedy hor but believe me, I'm a big eater!!!
i'm not a breakfast person as in i don't like waking up earlier just to squeeze breakfast in before i start work – but i'm trying (i know! breakfast is most important!). i love breakfast meals though – english ones!
Bacon, eggs, french toast/pancakes…yummmmmm!
you're staying near Kajang?
then can go hunt for this shop. No really noticeable. But be sure to try out their kampung eggs and toast yea! good stuff 🙂
wow.. real fresh then. Where's your kampung btw? haha. Bring back some for me next time! hehe
Julian Si~
Wan Tan Mee is a good stuff to start off our day too ! But I prefer toast 😉
not rice for us but we love noodles! 🙂
esp Ipoh White Coffee right? aww… miss it!
With this toast and egg, Ipoh coffee would go well with them hands down 🙂
you have to try this toast dear. Real good! 🙂
yea. the kampung eggs might be smaller to those normal ones, but it tasted better somehow. haha. And the orangey yolks are real attractive. ^^
haha. thanks gal. Drop by Kajang someday?
Simon Seow~
should come explore wat… Chris can bring you around! hehe
coffee, toast and eggs? high five! but for me, minus the coffee.. lol.
I salute you gal!
Wish i could have all of those too. But I just can;t.. hahaha
breakfast is very important gal 😉
but during my working days, i normally just have a hot drink i the morning. Will chow down on weekends! 🙂 Wish I could have a hearty breakfast every morning, but sometimes just have to watch over the diet ;P
Come to think of it, I almost never eat breakfast on a weekday. So I make do with just black coffee.
On weekends, I love a nice English breakfast, or kaya toast & egg & kopi. =D
y so far..~
me too gal. that's why i look forward to every weekend 🙂 makes me happier with breakfast like this.
u went to kajang for satay, can make time for this when u have the time again. hehe
I am trying this tomorrow. 🙂
[…] we finally made our first trip all the way to KL beating our usual nearby Chinese Kopitiam routine Tung Sing. We usually wouldn’t go far for Chinese coffee, eggs and toast but it’s good to venture […]