What we did on Cap Goh Meh:
1. Looked for an excuse to drain our purse.
2. Stray around Buchanan Street & Sauchiehall Street.
3. Seek for Chinese food.
4. Reached China Blue: Not opened
5. Reached New City Palace: Not opened
6. Ended up in Loon Fung. Again.
7. Wolfed down all of the pleasing dishes we ordered.
Pork Joint with Mushroom & Fatt Choy (Black Moss) – £10.80
A New Year dish that reminds us home so much.
8. It started snowing on our way back, so we camwhored.
9. Played snow slide on the hill slope outside our flat. Like a kid.
10. Made a snow man taller than me.
11. Had snow fight non-stop.
12. Lie on the road covered with thick snow and did Snow Angel.
13. Went back home exhausted at night.
14. Had BuBur ChaCha as supper.
15. A Winter Cap Goh Meh have just ended.

yerrrr! so nice ler.
and it’s snowing!!!
Aiyoh…so romantic!
ur snowman look like ET, hehe 😛
isn’t chap goh meh the chinese version of valentine’s day?
so, it was a double celebration for you guys! sweet! 😉
Lovely new header there. If I convert back the price to MYR for those dishes, I’ll have a heart attack lol.
awwww i love the picture of u n chris..nice background n most importantly pretty people..haha n chiense food over there is so expensive T___T
eh! can build snowman! hahaha … never understood how they built them, or the sand castle. very bad at arts eh …
all Chinese food in a Western country … sounds strange.
wow, everything in pound. I have never been to a place with snow before, so nice ler
no more snow now… 🙁
but Spring is on the way! I want flowery dresses! ;P
haha… that particular pic only… ;P
u noticed that! yea… it turn out to be very ALIEN after all ;P
Chris made his bulging eyes ^^
yea! actually i've forgotten it was a chinese version of V-Day that day ;P
Simon Seow~
If we're just here, we'll have a heart attack too considering the converted price ;P
But if u r here for quite sometime already, you'll not bother to convert after all. haha…
thanks dear!
Dun convert than not expensive ;P
But yeah… Chinese food here are overpriced for us.
Ang Moh food cheaper ;P
builing a snowman is easy! well… at the beginning tho… as I roll the snow and it gets bigger & heavier, that's when i ask Chris to continue.. hehe ^^
of course must go for Chinese food during Cap Goh Meh ;P
We're actually sick of western food. I want Msian food! ^^
It was a very unforgettable experience!
You'll sure have a chance to see and feel them for yourself 🙂
and… use 'pounds' here! ^^
You two are such an attractive couple.
what happen to your photos leh? can’t see meh:(