“Can you be my girlfriend?”
I harmonized the question and the concurrence of him being so assure brought us where we are now.
Sadly, we have to bring forward our rejoice of the anniversary since I’ve to leave very soon…
Although it was just an afternoon lunch, the session seemed endless. I’m looking forward for every makan session with you when I’m back again dear!
Simple and minimal.
What we looked for this year.
San Francisco Steakhouse provided the serenity.
In all, food was delectable.
Foregoing the order of steak here would be a shameful idea and our order of the regular Rib Eye Steak was just juicy and tender. Let it be medium and it’ll be just perfect. Priced at RM48.90, the high-quality beef taken from the hindquarters was also served with sweet corn and a baked potatoes topped with shallots, spring onions and sour cream.
To cut down the amount of meaty dishes, an order or the Alfredo with chicken and mushroom cream sauce was absolute. Won’t wanna go too heavy with the cheesy servings of carbonara this time 🙂
Creamy sauce empowering the chunks of chicken and mushroom got hitched with the spaghetti, bringing the best out of it. *I’m relating this to us actually* haha
This was priced at RM19.90.
What’s a celebration without a drink or two?
Wanna go easy on alcohols? It would still be as wonderful to sip away, minus the alcohol content.
Introducing the perfect accompaniment to all dining occasions, known as the Patritti: Sparkling Red Grape Juice. “Halal product” (RM45)
You can opt for the white version if you prefer…
Personally, we loved it a lot 😛
Everytime the people asked,
How we met,
I would still be as overwhelming,
As ever,
I would still be skating by your side,
Awaiting your lift of guarantee,
Of throwing jumps of fondness,
To spins of affection,
We would be bonded,
Happy 7th Anniversary!
p/s: Thanks to yeulou for the amazing visual and sketch from you again! You’ve drawn us cute! 😛
San Francisco SteakHouse
Lot G (E) 001 & 002, Ground Floor,
Mid Valley Megamall,
Lingkaran Syed Putra,
59200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2938 2882
Fax: 03-2938 2992
Business Hour:
12.00noon – 12.00midnight (daily)
Website: Click HERE

Having known my hubs since my innocent days (okay..almost 20 years di) and having gone through a period of separation (only by distance, not affection!) when he left to go abroad for work, I totally get you. Happy 7 years. May there be many more.
(Btw, LOVE your new hairstyle!!)
happy 7th anniversary! no wonder you’re in 7th heaven … 🙂
btw, how many yrs you’re leaving for your masters? in which field? sorry not food related. just curious.
happy anniversary!!! the pasta looks good!!!! and the cartoon of yours was so cute..
You should eat more Asian food before leaving…not steak and pasta or else you will regret!!:P
wah, so sweet, so sweet, so sweet! happy anniversary, Christine and Chris! distance will only make the heart grow fonder 😀
“Let it be medium and it’ll be just perfect.” wah, well put! 🙂
Happy 7th Anniversary… Hubby & I also pak tor 7 – 8 years only marry 😛
Wish you even more lovey-dovey days in the coming 70 years & beyond.
oh sweet oh sweet!
happy anniversary to you dear! cheers to you and chris!
have more asian food before leaving ya! eat eat n EAT! chris must teman her 24-hrs daily from now on!
Christine!! 7yrs!! can marry d gals! mr.B always told mii ‘bu once we reach 7yrs relationship thn is time to get marry d’ Happy anniversary!! foo told mii u’re leaving to uk once he got back! so sad…
happy 7 years!~ *clap clap*
🙂 so sweet la both of you..
hey girlll..happy 7th anniversary!! any many many more to come:)
huggiesss..cya in london:)
Oh…found another food lover~
btw, Happy 7 Years~!! jz curious when did u both started pak tou huh?! n u just graduate… hmmm…
mine is coming to 6 years only… hehe~ ^_^
Congrates!!! wat a sweet couple!! Apreciate yea!!!
Happy 7th Anniversary… And may there be many many more of these anniversary… 🙂
BTW, the food are awesome.
wow! I am lost with words . . . anyway we like the cartoon of both of you . . . looks so cute. We know you will be away for a short while and hope toread more of your adventure in UK! hope to see you both real soon!
Congratulations !! ^_^
the drawing is really cute ~
happy anniversary^^
i also like the drawing~~very cute & sweet
Lyrical Lemongrass~
wow.. that’s long.
Absence do make the heart grow fonder. glad u understand 🙂
and thanks!!!
thanks 🙂
Will be leaving for a year, doing pharmacy 😉
Leaving tomorrow dy 🙁
-kent- f0 粉肠~
thanks ya!!
you should go try! ;P
Giddy aka Danning~
haha.. you’re right. Ate lotsa M’sian food lately dy! 🙂
I’m gonna miss the food here like CRAZY! ;P
that’s what I thought! and thx!
Let’s go sing K again when I’m back!! You’re marvellous pakcik!;)
wow… sweet-Nya..
Hope to end up like you guys too! haha ;P
thank you very much 🙂
ai wei~
I’m gonna miss you dear..
and the FOOD here! 🙁
Yea.. he teman me everyday, making me even more difficult to say goodbye..
But 1 year will pass by very fast, kept telling this to myself.hehe ;P
haha. thanks gal! not so soon I guess 😛
You and Mr.B can lar.. 🙂
Foo coming back already? too bad… if not, can meet;)
thanks dear..
I’ll see you soon! in London! 🙂
Hugz! thanks!!
see you in London!! ^^
苹果 · Apple Teo~
well, I began at 16. haha..
and you guys 6 years?! *cheers to you and your darlin’ too*
Loving couple! 🙂 totally heart that ^^
phooi fun~
thanks gal! and will definitely appreciate 🙂
new kid on the blog~
thanks a lot!
I’m looking forward for many more too! ^^
big boys oven~
thanks ya.
Will definitely ask you and sunny out when I’m back! 🙂
take care! ^^
thanks ya! *glad* ^^
Shell (貝殼)~
I love the drawing very much as well! 😉
Happy 7th Anniversary! May there be many more years of love till you’re both old and grey together!
oh 7 years! congratulations dearie! Here is wishing u every bit of sweetness that u deserve!
wow. Con=gra=tu=la=tion to you guys! 😉
so sweet. happy anniversary 🙂
Happy 7th Anniversary to you and Chris!! Really sweet couple! 🙂
Dear Christine,
I’m Goh Boon Peng and I am attached to a Web 2.0 firm specialising in Food and Dining contents.
Currently, we are in the midst of publishing a magazine as an offline platform for us to support our online portal, http://www.bestfoodjunction.com.
I wish to inform you that this article was selected by our editor to be highlighted in our coming magazine issue. Here’s the information:
1. Our inaugural issue is related to “Valentine’s Day.” It means that this magazine will be hitting the market in February.
2. This magazine will be distributed in all the major bookstores, i.e. MPH, Kinokuniya, Borders, Times, Popular, MyNews.com, 7-Eleven
3. Your article as well as photos will not be amended as we will keep its originality.
We will furnish you with 10 copies of the magazine for you to share it with your friends.
I appreciate your time and do contact me at this e-dress or at my mobile number if you need more information.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Goh Boon Peng
Technology | Vice President
M: +6012 722 9519
T: +603 6142 1211
F: +603 6140 7246
Click Network Sdn. Bhd. (647012 A)
29-2 & 29-M, Jln PJU 5/20A,
The Strand, Kota Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,
Dear Christine,
I hope this e-mail finds you well.
My computer was stolen recently. Could you furnish my request by re-sending again the information that you have provided to me earlier.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Thanks and best regards,
Goh Boon Peng
Technology | Vice President
M: +6012 722 9519
T: +603 6142 1211
F: +603 6140 7246
Click Network Sdn. Bhd. (647012 A)
29-2 & 29-M, Jln PJU 5/20A,
The Strand, Kota Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,