Completed. Almost.

Completion of Part A Master of the Pharmacy Program in IMU.
Something to be proud of.
However, a convocation with the well-groomed robe without a hood nor a mortar board? I was contemplating then whether to attend or not.
In fact, I found out that most of my batchmates did have this mixed feeling.

On second thought, I think I did work hard enough for this. Although not the best, every little itsy bitsy successes achieved should be measured and acknowledged right? And I was actually enjoying the progress of the event. Well, except the rehearsal session where I almost dozed off ;P

As the semesters progresses I became closer with the soon-to-be pharmacist friends. At times, I can see that we were still strangers, but yet chumming up with all of you is at ease. Glad to have all of you with me in Strathclyde!
Let’s work…
for the final year at Glasgow….
For the REAL graduation!!!

Portraits to keep at heart!

my beloved parents

He’s so supportive

with Prof. Peter 🙂

my tutor (Mr.Iggy – that’s what we named him ;P) and MeiWen the babe.

Mr. Benny – um.. most ppl know him more than I do. As in: in detail. ;P

Being a student is fun sometimes. Despite the stress you’ll suffer due to exams and reports, working hard to achieve your desired targets is one excellent way to grow up.

Being a daughter of my parents is a blessing. They never seem to push me hard. Never to fail them is my goal.

Being a GF to my BF is trouble-free. The BF is considerate, understanding and patient enough to listen to my qualms and sometimes I’m nagging him all the way and I suppose he needed a PCM and metoclopramide for the nausea and headache caused. Still Chris loves her 😉

Diligent and painstaking! I want 🙂

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17 Replies to “Completed. Almost.”

  1. Congratulation to you Christine..I wish you all the BEST in Glasgow 🙂

  2. Congrats. Wow, didn’t know that you are doing Master program, *salute*

  3. Congratulations ~ ^_^

    with without a hood nor a mortar board? sounds strange…as if u r there and yet ur not there yet….@_@

  4. Big Boys Oven says: Reply

    congratulation and well done!

  5. -kent- f0 粉肠 says: Reply

    congratulations!!! and all the best to you!!!


  6. one step at a time, that’s life. friends and family make it even easier. you are getting there very soon, girl! congratulations!

    Strathclyde uni should be fantastic…some of my engineering profs are from there… 🙂

  7. Well done, congrats!
    All the best in Glasgow 🙂

  8. wow, after your degree, you’re not bound to the 4 yrs compulsory service? Why didn’t you say so that you’re a pharmacist!!! hehe, I’m one too. =P

  9. congratulations Christine!!!

  10. Precious Pea says: Reply

    Congrats! Excited about going Scotland?

  11. congrates, my dear… but u are leacing soon… Awww…

  12. ~Christine~Leng says: Reply

    Thanks ya! Good to see you last week with your GFs! hehe 😛

    thx! 🙂

    thx ^^
    haha.. this is only 1 out of 3 graduation that I’ll attend! 😛

    big boys oven~
    thx BBO! Gonna miss u guys and your cakes like crazee! ^^

    -kent- f0 粉肠~
    thanks and all the best to you in your studies too! 🙂

    I’m so excited now and yet hard to let go.. gonna miss Malaysia like mad ;P
    and Thanks PakCik btw 🙂

    thanks ya..and you going for K session hor? ;P

    Fantastic 🙂
    Yea.. When I’m back, A year of pupillage and another 3 years of compulsory service.
    You? Doing the service already? ^^
    Share some infos with me… ;P

    Thanks a lot gal!

    precious pea~
    Very! haha.
    Sad at the same time 🙁 Sobz…

    Yalo.. Gonna miss U sooo much gal! Miss all the fun, makan session and shopping like mad days we had!
    Don’t care, when I come back will hunt you back on track with me again! hahah…
    Tahan your tears wo…;P LoLz

  13. Congratulations! Another milestone reached in your life.

  14. haha, if there ever is a chance, let’s meet and share experience? I’m in my 2nd year of service.

  15. Giddy aka Danning says: Reply

    Wow…you are amazing!!! smart and beautiful<3 I have been reading your blog for some times now...I think it's time to leave a comment too:) I'm really happy for your study so far and I'm sure you will experience more in Glasgow 😀

  16. Xiu Long Bao says: Reply

    Congrats dear 🙂

    Awaiting a new post in the future with you in mortarboard n ‘angmo’ background.

  17. dCongratulations dear Christine!

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