Venue: Chin Hiong Restaurant
- To join my first ever ‘Food Tasting’ expedition (yes.. you heard me right, food tasting!)
- To meet new flogger friends
- To be contented with the scrumptious dinner offered
Last weekend was the day, the day which Sid from Big Boys Oven, invited us for the amazing dinner at Chin Hiong Restaurant nestled before Rawang.
mE: darn! what should I say? omg..
Chris: say what? relax-lah… I bet they are friendly!
mE: I know.. it’s just me. I’m afraid that I’ll freak out.
Chris: No worries…everything will be fine 🙂
When I started writing this sorta evolving food blog, I just thought of penning down my thoughts about the food and eateries that I’ve went, providing more infos for readers on the wider options they could access. From a person who just engage herself in a pursuit, with no initial thoughts of being related or introduced to a more in-depth passion on food, we’re just pleasant to be there 🙂 My intense enthusiasm towards the ‘only-normal-food-reviewing’ had abruptly outburst.
Just have to disclose my thoughts 🙂 Ok. Enough about that and we shall review more on the food!
After meeting up with first with Sid, Sunny and Teckiee at Damansara, we followed them to the restaurant and about 30 minutes later, we’ve finally reached the restaurant located not far away from the Rawang toll. When we’ve arrived, we met Jackson who drove them and Tankiasu as well. “Nervousness in me… I just couldn’t explain ~ so many butterflies in my stomach”
Before entering, they were busy snapping pictures of the signboard while I was looking here and there. Luckily Chris was there to aid me in my photo shoot 🙂 From the outside, I find this place a rather typical seafood restaurant, but once I entered, my initial thoughts was totally driven away by the settings on the table layed down extraordinarily for us! “Oh my God..” spoke my heart.
The authentic and classy-golden bowl stand I noticed right away dazzled me completely. Resemblance to serving a bunch of royalties! *perasan me* Everyone just took out their camera and began taking pictures while other customers just stare right at us like a celebrity or something. We sat down and according to Sid, we have no idea what they are serving us. A contemporary feeling of excitement and nervous at the same time. *just like being at the first day at school!* haha..
Know what these stylish and sophisticated bowl stands are for?
It’s for one of their well-known dish, the Abalone & Crab Meat Soup ~ Abalone King Crab 鲍鱼蟹王汁
The Abalone & Crab Meat Soup is served with 2 different distributions of Abalone with shredded Chicken (the orange based) and Crab Meats (the whitish based).
But that was not just all. Along that came as a set with the soup was a plate of Shark Fins surrounded by Dried Scallops wrapped with steamed Old Sea Cucumber. These 2 dishes came together as a set (a combo of soup and shark fin with scallop) , known as the Tai Chi Shark Fin 太极翅. Persuasive name huh?
A seafood restaurant it is being and how could we miss out their mouth-watering and tasty prawns?? Kei Loon Prawns 麒麟虾 were served with great presentation too and I just couldn’t resist myself from taking at least one!! The prawns were prepared and served in a position where they resembles kei loon 麒麟 (the ancient lions in China). With an additional of the sauce that tasted a lil’ sweet and sour, it gave the extra appetizing boost. Such huge prawns with great texture and talk about fresh jumping prawns! Even without the extra sauce, it’s finger-licking good.
Another delicate dish that I simply craved for was the Pork Slabs in Herbs (In Cantonese: Yok Choi tan Guat 药材炖骨). What’s marvelous is, the pork was double boiled with the herbs before going through the deep frying procedure. Thus, a crispy skin complementing with the juicy pork slabs of thin and fat proportion penetrated with strong herb flavour is definitely worth trying…. no buts!
When this dish was served on our table and while everyone was concentrating eating, we were distracted by the incredible presentation of the embellishment, of this dish itself! Everyone just goes “WoW!” Really had to give very big claps to the chef for his fine food adornment even before tasting it!
Addressed as Yat Fan Fong Sun 一帆风顺. Before this name, it was called Guai Mei Yu 怪味鱼, as it tasted kinda weird, claimed the chef. It’s a preparation of Fish Fillet, cooked in rock sugar and F&N Orange!! Amazing huh?? I’m so surprised too 🙂 The fish fillet was highly flavoured and this dish is more suitable when eaten with rice as it’ll be kinda salty when eaten alone. Albeit, I find them delicious! According to Chef Fann, the fish fillets were derived from the African fish and the remaining parts of the fish was made into a shape that resembled the sail of the boat and deep fried. What a thoughtful idea he had! Fits to the Cantonese name appropriately!
Next up, the Hakka Pork Knuckle 客家猪手, which was double boiled with herbs for more than 5 hours. No worries when you wanna order this dish, as it’ll be prepared by the chef earlier 🙂 Seems like it’s a must order for most customers.
Interesting, served very infrequently at other eateries… the God’s Stomach? Known as the San Sin Tou 神仙肚! What a cute name 😛 It’s actually a pig’s stomach disclosed with tasty spare ribs!! Imported piggies were used to cook up this dish as they have smaller sized stomach than those in Malaysia. Some of the ingredients used to extend the flavour and aroma are spices and herbs such as pat gok, dong guai and kam chou. I suppose the dear Chinese readers know what I meant 🙂 Cheers to this ingenious chef! Inventive!
What I have not had before… shark meat! Simmered Tiger Shark in Claypot 瓦煲虎鲨. From the chef again, the sharks’ skin is the best part to be eaten. Jelly-like texture, I had fun eating these 🙂 Even the meat was good by itself! Showered with the aromatic gravy and chopped leeks, what I can say is “Feed me with those sharks now!!!” By the way, this dish have to be pre-ordered (reserve) first. So do remember ya! 😉
The final dish and with no disappointment at all, Chef Fann came out with a claypot of paddy frog served in some special way. The Ho Sa guk Tin Gai 河沙田鸡, what I called as Paddy Frog cooked over the River’s Sand. Ok. I know this sounds lame… but a direct translation is what I can think of now. LOL!
The steamed paddy frog in dong guai and a chinese wine known as fa diu was placed on top of a heap of fried and heated sands from the river. When this preparation was served, another dash of fa diu wine was poured over the covered claypot. The sands functioned to help extend the degree of aroma and taste higher especially when the wine was poured over them!
Needless to say about the paddy frog, great and smooth meat texture and I fell in love with the soup 🙂 The soup that contains fa diu wine, essence of the paddy frog, dong guai herbs and chili padi! It’s spicy and exciting! Ignites my palate totally! By the way, this pot contained 3 large paddy frog!
According to Chef Fann again, the chinese wine was added with dong guai herbs for a month! That’s the reason why the Chinese wine has extra kick!!
Wheat Grass Agar 🙂 小麦草燕菜糕
Wheat grass help to restore the alkalinity and neutralize acid production so that our body can recover quicker, metabolize faster, reduce food cravings and achieve your optimal health. Isn’t that amazing? Reduce food cravings after a scrumptious meal! LOL.
2. Kei Loon Prawns: RM80
3. Pork Slabs in Herbs: about RM 30 per elongated slab
4. F&N Orange Fish Fillet: RM50 ~ the prettiest dish ever!
5. Hakka Pork Knuckle: RM 25
6. Pig’s Stomach disclosed with tasty Spare Ribs: RM35
7. Simmered Tiger Shark in Claypot: approximately RM28 (RM5.50 per 100g, we had about 400-500g)
8. Paddy Frog cooked over the River’s Sand: RM35 for medium serving. (with 3 large paddy frog)
**Thanks to Chris for the Chinese words**
This restaurant is only closed 2 days in a month an usually falls on a Monday and Tuesday. Such hardworking people 🙂 Looking for magnificent, impressive yet affordable Chinese cuisine? Drop by this place for a new discovery of some otherwise different dishes that warrant a satisfaction!
What I thought? “Even eating at a wedding dinner also wasn’t so impressive!” These are just some of their specialties that most customers order and from the presentation of the food, I just couldn’t imagine how much effort that Chef Fann put in them. His culinary skills were just… terrific 🙂 Being in action at the kitchen for more than 20 years, his dedication towards each delightful meal can just be inscribed!

Introducing the Chef that manoeuvre his cooking skills attentively and prepared the appetizing dinner for us
See also:
Chin Hiong Restaurant
Lot #2, Batu 22, Jalan Batu Arang,
Kampung Sungai Bakau (KUB)
48000 Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03-6092 0628 H/P: 012-202 6125 / 016-210 2303 (Mr. Fan You Tek)
To rep it up, I would like to make some compliments on the people present as.. well you know, first time right? haha ;P
- Big Boys Oven: Sid & Sunny ~ Thanks for organizing this eat-out session and, Chris and I really enjoyed it. Sid ~ who ‘lectured’ us throughout! haha. Thx! ex-lecturer!!
- Jackson: I didn’t get to ask what’s your occupation! but.. you’re friendly 🙂
- Tankiasu: a gentleman, you talked courteously 😉
- Teckiee: You’re cute. No worries no photos. no photos.
- Sugar Bean: Wenching&Yeesiong ~ sweet couple. Finally get to meet you guys.
- AiWei: aiya.. No need to comment right? we’re so close ;P
Hope to meet you guys again and get to know more about the little details that I’ve missed out. Sharing the same passion on food and taking photos with all of you is indeed an honour! Oh.. I love that 🙂 Hmm… what’s next? *wink wink*
With great consideration, Chin Hiong Restaurant decided to give a discount to all customers who dine in with this printable coupon. Just print this out and you’ll get to enjoy this privilege!

wow, what a fine piece of food review. *nod-nod* i was extremely Nervous that day! all the butterflies in my stomach and worst of all, they flied and twisted in my stomach!
your description on this meal is incredibly amazing. the meal was great! i personlly in love with the with the prawn and shark.
so happy, my babe – IXUS 860 was in one of ur shots. haha.
meanwhile, i need to crack my head on writing this review…
hahaha…yea..nice food review..
all looked soooo delicious…bring me there one day and can use the discount voucher…hahaha…if i bring the kl restaurant voucher + ue voucher…could double up to 20% discount ka?? ahhaha
Must say that the chef is one talented cook. Looking forward to meet you and the rest in the future 😉
Wow, can’t believe that you such a long and interesting review on this restaurant. I have yet written mine, think it’s going to take up some time!
Nice meeting you and Chris and other bloggers too! 🙂
Nice write-up, especially with the Chinese names..Kekeke..might wanna cilok to use. 😛
Me talk courteously?! Or cautiously?! Kekeke…wait till you all know me better! 😀
Heard from Chris after the day you went with him to Chin Hiong, he said the food well presented and taste
How wish i can be there after he telling all the story there hahaha….
Beside, he told me the floggers all quite friendly. Looking the chance to know you all hehe..
Wow, Really big feast. Great review and I gonna try it when i am at Rawang. 🙂
Wah, food fit for a king! Great writeup. 🙂
how sad that i couldn’t make it that night… and missed seeing you people! great writeup, thumbs up for you 🙂
oh boy! i miss-saw the camera. that’s urs 860. mine is 850. both the looks are quite similar.
>.< very nice and handy camera it is with larger screen. but i still prefer to use mine. ^^
anybody eat that piggy tmmy ?
wonder if that is good too ~
I was amazed with the food served, until of course came the dessert. I expected something with Birds’ Nest or even Hasma, hahaha…jelly? A bit anti-climax as i usually look forward to dessert. Nice meal and can feel your excitement. Hehe!
wow,what a nice food decoration,especially the golden bowl of abalone& crab meat soup.
It was an amaing dinner so were the floggers! I myself was surprised with the food churned out by this restaurant, artistic, creative, delicious, and so lovely. I am now a porky! Love those dishes, so yummy!
haha, so now all those butterflies have finally gone for sure? thx gal! I tot IXUS 860 was Chris’s? Oh. I’ve seen you realized that! I went to the Canon Expo the other day and I’ve lots to tell you next time;P
I’m waiting for your review!! We had a great night out with great food and people isn’t it? Nice…
20%? hoho.. you better ask the boss! Maybe… maybe…
and yes…. we could go there for a gathering next time ;P for a different kind a Chinese meal. Eat shark fin!!
Yea.. I’m so impressed!
I’m looking forward too 🙂 Hope to meet you if there are any eat out session next time.
I can’t believe myself either! ;P
Thx. Lovely to meet you guys. Waiting for your review ya!
thx. thx. Chinese name contributed by Chris actually… haha.I’m no good in writing Chinese.
You really talk courteously wo…
And.. obviously we haven’t get to know you better. It’s never too late!:) Hmmm… I have a feeling that you have quite a sense of homour..
*nod nod* yes 🙂
I’m looking forward to meet you as well. My first time meeting with other floggers too.. So kinda nervous actually.. but they’re nice 🙂
Heard from Chris that your mom own a noodle house at KL is it? Can’t wait to try!!
fl sam~
must try 🙂 and remember to print and bring along the coupon for a discount ya!
Let me know what you think then 🙂
lyrical lemongrass~
Thx. and I really felt specially treated! A nice and ‘grand’ meal, a nice experience.
I thought I could see you too 🙁 There’s always next time. I’m looking forward!!
and Thx gal! 😉
yea. they ate but not me.. I just ate the spare ribs in it. Cos all the while I don’t crave for pork intestine and piggy’s tummy.. ;P
Chris said it’s not bad 🙂
precious pea~
LoL. Now that you’ve said this, you mad me realize too… From the beginning of the meal, it rises till the peak and suddenly falls markedly. But I didn’t expect they’ll serve us Bird’s Nest lo…
Already satisfied with the main course and I even tot that there will be no dessert. ;P haha
yea.. I’m overwhelmed with their food presentation and what’s more to ask when they tasted marvellous some more? 😉 You can check this place out.
big boys oven~
I had fun too. and those dishes captivate my appetite totally. Double thumbs up!!
Nice meeting you guys!
Great write up!! Happy to see u that day too! Keep up the good work ya!
…cute ah.. you sure thats the word you want to use to describe me ah?..hmmm really?
my goodness me..wat a feast!.. dont mind me asking, did you guys pay for the bill?
thx. Hope to see you again in any up coming meet-ups! All the best in your drive for food expedition! love the videos 🙂
Sure. you’re really cute wat… or do you have better words? ;D besides, you’re really descriptive too. Very good in expressing your thoughts!
Enjoy and good luck in your drive for food contest ya! Win win!
yea. we’re very impressed with the meal!!
and.. nope. It’s ‘free’. haha.
Sounds like you had much fun and the other patrons must be so amused/entertained.
hi 🙂 thx for visiting.
Yeah.. had fun eating and meeting new floggers 🙂 Nice dinner indeed.