After my attempt to prepare nasi lemak on Saturday, mom agreed to help resolve my fear of ‘incapability to work in the kitchen’ 😛 again on Sunday. We decided to prepare the Peping Style Fried Dumpling, mom’s recipe when she’s learning how to cook back then! Hmm…”Peping style” Initially wondering what’s that but it’s just a name for this dish… famously known as “Wo Tip“! I just love fried dumpling lots! and now I get to prepare it for myself! Should taste nicer than the ones sold outside! *haha*
The below ingredients are sufficient to prepare about 30 dumplings. Depends on the size of the dumplings that you want them to be…….
Let’s start of with the recipe people 🙂
Ingredients for the skin: the outer layer
- 8 ounces of multi purpose flour
- 4 ounces of boiling water (half a rice bowl)
- 1-2 ounces of cold water
Ingredients for the fillings
- 1/2 kg Grounded pork
- 1/2 kg Grounded prawns
- Chopped dried shiitake mushrooms (have to be soaked first)
- Stalks of leeks
Another important step is that, the fillings have to be seasoned! with….
- 1 1/2 teaspoon of sesame oil
- 1 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 1 tablespoon of chinese wine
- 1 teaspoon pepper
It’s up to you whether you opt for the dipping sauce as an extra stimulation for the taste bud 😛 But it really stimulate mine! It’s easy peesy!
For the sauce:
- 1 small plate of shredded young ginger
- 2 tablespoon of black vinegar
- 1 tablespoon of soya sauce
- 1/2 tablespoon of cooked oil
- Place the grounded pork, prawns, mushrooms and leeks in a larger bowl, season and mix these ingredients. Leave them for about 1/2 an hour while preparing the dough for its skin
- Flatten each dough and put about 1 tablespoon of fillings in the center, then fold over and pinch edges together
- Heat a flat frying pan until it’s hot enough, add 2 tablespoon of oil and place in the dumplings. Fry until the bottom of the dumpling is golden brown, add 1/2 a bowl of extra ingredient (water with 1 teaspoon sesame oil and 1 tablespoon white vinegar) – to soften the skin and add extra taste to the fillings and skin!
- Cook till dry then add in another 2 tablespoon of oil (to enhance crispiness on the bottom layer) and fry for another 1/2 minute
- Arrange them on the serving plate and serve with the sauce! *yes*
Photo sessions!

Looked like curry puffs? haha.. 😛
Fry them!
Not enough?? Fry more then!
Although it’s kinda time consuming when preparing all these but the effort is worthwhile 🙂 Quite tiring.. especially the rate-limiting process of wrapping the fillings up! Luckily my brothers were willing to offer help! Eh… they can make nicely shaped dumplings! Mom did the frying part while we were busy producing them.. We had fun fooling around with the flattening and wrapping process 😛 Flours all over the table 😛
Guess how many dumplings that we managed to make? It’s 97 all together! Oh.. we had so many and our stomachs were overloaded with dumplings!.. Can’t finish and grandpa kept them for his dinner!

wah…u can become chef already la, exploring everywhere for food.haha
Yummy…yummy..I’m the first person who tasted the dumpling. Frankly speaking, the dumpling were so delicious and truly can fight with those experienced chef. I love it so much bei…when are you going to cook for me again?
wow! geng ler. say cannot cook pulak?! these ‘wor tip’ look really great. when are u going to teach me?!?!?!
ya la ya la…cwei…know u are the first person to taste it la….hahahha…leng…lets find a day and have party in ur house ler…ok? since khee also coming back ledi…then we can sit there makan makan and listen to khee’s story..
wow, i briefly read through the cooking methods, it seems quite complicated to me! and u guys are so geng! 97??!! that’s a lot! haha! anyway, looks delicious. i thought i would almost have a bite when i saw the last photo. haha!
wei meng~ nola.. U r better! Must teach me a bit u know? any nice food in Scotland?? btw… u have any specialties? 🙂
Chris~ hohoho.. Requesting more ar? Thanx for supporting 🙂 muacks! Don’t keep on saying that I didn’t cook for you ya. haha.. Sure will make more for you next time. Perhaps new dishes?
ai wei~ not “geng” at all my friend 😛 U wanna learn? Sure… pay fees first ya! *ngek ngek* Joking la.. 😀
wee lick~ party at my house? only if you too can make the quarter chicken again. Haha.. I wan those, or you have other newer recipe?? I don’t mind trying 😛
wenching&esiong~ actually the tricky part is the frying session, where u have to watch over it closely and add in the water, sesame oil and vinegar at the right time. I’m still not very good at the frying part. Mom did the frying 😛 Yea.. we made 97 and I was surprised too that we prepared so many!
har?! need to pay fees ar?! >.< how can?! we both so 'friend'. keke, we can think of having a party for food