My grandma had just celebrated her birthday recently at my place and she’s 72! Still healthy and pretty I’d say! and.. hope she’ll stay the same way! Uncles and aunties came to join this celebration as well! Mom is the one who organized it and cooked dinner for all of us! Can’t wait to show off the culinary skills of my mommy dearest!
Ok.. as usual for most birthdays! the Egg in Red! Aunt and I having some fun time reddening those eggs!
-the Dinner-
and.. Aunt’s specialty: grinded chilies! This goes well with the chicken with a small amount of soya sauce. trust me.. 🙂 Appetizing!
Argh.. I’ve forgotten to take the picture of the Ginger Duck! This is really good! Soft and tender duck meat that combines well enough with the fragrant spice: the ginger!
After dinner, everyone had their own conversations, chatted and watched TV until it’s the time for the ‘birthday song session!’ Us (the grandchildren) gathered round our beloved grandma and sang her a birthday song.
As for the birthday cake, mom made an order from Aunty Esther, her friend who’s very into baking and she had already produced so many different types of lovely yet deeeelicious cakes! So far, I’ve tried the Mango sponge cake, Raspberry cheese cake and for my grandma’s birthday, she made us the Lychee Yogurt Special Cheese Cake! This for RM60! With the sides decorated with some swiss rolls, topped with agar and lychee, and the middle layer of course, filled with yogurt and cheese! I just love the taste! Chillin’ me up and what a superb dessert!
On your special day
I’m sending hugs and kisses
In the warmest way!
Happy Birthday to you!
I Love You!

it is always sweet and warmth to have celebrations with family~ how i wish i have big celebration like yours soon…
Hmmmmm the dishes make me hungry liao.Happy Birthday to you!!!! Grandma.See you again at73.
Aww…how nice.
My grandma celebrated her 82nd birthday recently too! 🙂
ai wei~ celebrations are great! especially celebrating it with ur loved ones! when u have any parties or celebrations, remember to post ya!
aawilliam~ thx for dropping by 🙂 and really appreciate the wish forwarded to my grandma! “xie xie ni”
tankiasu~ wow! ur grandma’s 82! that’s really great! well.. Happy Belated Birthday to your Granny! and..Let’s hope that our grandmas can lead a happy and healthy life! 🙂
The cake really amazed me!! never seen such a beautiful cake~ should u next time cut a piece and take a pic on how the inside is?? FAscinating…=)