“In the area of architecture, we provide Architecture Design – CAD technical draughting, 3D rendering and animating. Under Graphic Design, we provide brochure design, signboard design, business card design, and logo design.”
These are quoted by the Double.L Free Lance Network
Being a great helper of my dear friend, Wee Lick, I am here promoting his newest site! He’ll be working on some freelance offered jobs with his partner. Although both are still studying, they have the capability to produce great drawings that satisfy most of their clients! I’ve seen his work and although I knew nothing about architecture design, I’m amazed of what he is capable of. Do visit and have a look. Any jobs related to designs.. architecture or graphics, feel free to contact them. And.. by the way, they’re the Lim Kok Wing University students. (top one!). Being part-timers, they’re working real hard to earn some extra savings. “Rajin-nya”
To show off their work, I’ve asked Lick to send me their “masterpieces”. These are the representations of the deliberately done outstanding artistry and workmanship! Hope my words here could help these talented duo in their future activities in architecture and graphics!
More drawings and plans are available for viewing at:
Email: double.l.17@gmail.com
P/S: Picture illustrations above are depicted with the courtesy of Double.L Free Lance Network. All copyrighted & any inquiries, please feel free to contact them.
A clickable “advertisement” is placed on the right-bar of my blog to enable access to their website as well. Interested? Can visit anytime! 🙂
Psst!…Eh.. Lick. Do I get to have commission or something? “Belanja makan” so that I can blog more! *yups* haha…!

hi dear. you’ve been tagged!! check out my blog to know what it is.haha..