This is what I always wanted to do during a break… always seemed to be only boasting about taking up cooking utensils while listening patiently to what my maid said about the proper method and recipes… have not succeeded for the past period of break. Now, finally have the self-consciousness of knowing how important is it to learn cooking. A little thanks to a book that I’ve read recently: The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. Getting to know a little recipe won’t kill! *laughs* It really feels good especially when making up some dishes for your loved ones! So, today: an easy one —— Pasta!! Menu of the day: Spaghetti!
Quite easy though, just have to boil some water to get the spaghetti soften first, which is then later rinsed with some cold water to get the tangy texture and feeling.
The challenging part is mostly the sauce… I thought It was kinda sour when I first tasted it. With Prego.. it’s magic. It’s equipped with chunks of green pepper and wild mushrooms. You can even put in some meat: any meat — chicken, beef, pork. These have to be marinated with a pinch of salt, sugar, pepper and some light soya sauce. Not to forget, fry the chopped garlic, onion and tomatoes until the fragrant arise before adding in the meat! I just love this aroma…
From Iris (in undomestic goddess):
Cooking isn’t about writing down.
It’s about tasting, feeling, touching and smelling

Does it taste good?
Looking at them make me hungry 😉
Any way, good to visit your nice blog!
cool, leng! when are you going to treat me with these?!
cooking food and wandering in the kitchen are always nice right?!
>indrasaree< thx for the visit! It taste ok.. still good *laughs* >ai wei< anytime! maybe we should get into the kitchen together one day and come out with some dishes! Throw a party or something! but u have to guide me o... Miss ya gal!