Days drawing near to leave, there are more matters to think about and all these are fussy……
Visas, documentations….. Troublesome.
Of all affairs to deal with, what to bring over will be another nuisance. Limitations of weight worries me. Scotland ain’t near, just hope I won’t fail to remember the important stuffs. Even if I do, I can always get them there right? *grin* (Think Sterling!!) *maybe not*
Whatever that is, it’s fun to shop now!! On and off nowadays, you’ll see me hanging around with multiple shopping bags with the excuse of ‘getting stuffs to be brought over’. And thanks to my shopping and makan kaki, AiWei, who evoke the ‘power to purchase’ in me, I’m getting poorer nowadays ;P
But thanks gal, for accompanying me to get the stuffs I really need 😉
Zuup Soup Bar had been the place I’ve always wanted to try since reading reviews from flogger friends last year. There was a rave about their delicious mushroom soup that I just gotta lay my taste bud on.
Besides an array of different types of soups, Zuup Bar also offers main courses of ala cartes and also set meals.
2 girls suffering from compulsive buying disorder should opt for their Lunch Combo instead.
Why? Cheaper ma..
The International Combo was priced at RM14.90. It offered a selection between 5 main dishes and a drink. Butterfish cooked with Court Bouillon and Dill Hollandaise Sauce was Girl 1‘s choice. Another Hot Lemon Tea to restore her state of mind will be well suited for.
Still being fanatic, Girl 2 decided to have a combo of Spaghetti alla Carbonara with a soothing glass of Apple Juice as an antidote. Priced at RM13.90, there was a generous portion of al-dente spaghetti covered with hams and mushrooms. What a remedy! ;P
Of all, the best treatment was this:
Wild Mushroom Cappuccino at RM6.90.
Thick dark blend of shiitake, porcini, button and grey oyster mushrooms topped with a dollop of whipped cream and a very small hint of coffee.
The girls were awaken form the first spoonful they had. Claimed one of the best they ever had, the girls were once again orientated to the surroundings.
Status: Symptoms relieved.
After clearing the bills…..
Out of luck, Girl 1 and Girl 2 were once again exposed to extracellular infections.
They ended up with their old chaos again.
No eye see.
Zuup Soup Bar
LG 223
1 Utama Shopping Centre
Bandar Utama 47800 P.J.

Hehe, I love how you describe yourselves as Girl 1 and Girl 2… I’ve been watching this HongKong celebrity cooking TV show on DVD of late — you two would be great on “Beautiful Cooking”! 😉
I’d so pay to see whether you girls end up being the cooking champions (not so funny, though admirable) or the cooking disasters (very the funny and far sexier, hehe).
That looks like great value for $!
Scotland-that’s great girl! hv a great great trip!
the butterfish looks good, is it fishy ? :p
everytime passed by Zuup though wanted to step in for a cuppa, but somehow the lack of patrons kinda dampen my spirit. =P
the mushroom soup does look and sound yummy from your description. OK, will give it a go the next KL trip. Enjoy your HAGGIS!!!
Wild Mushroom Cappuccino looks nice~~i will definately have a try
The idea of a soup restaurant sounds strange … like an upper class version of a soup kitchen. 🙂
Anyway, feel free to contact me via blog email if you want tips of living cheaply in UK, sorry dont know anything specific about Scotland though.
a hectic month, huh? thank goodness of a bowl of hearty zuup, eh? hehe…honestly, i’ve not tried Wild Mushroom Cappuccino b4..sigh…
btw, how long will u be there?
Shopping spree huh? So excited for you.
The soup looks good and sounded so yummy. I had the best at Max! now must go try this to see if it’s as good.
Wah, Scotland! For how long?
I can’t seem to find this place… I’m somehow always got lost in 1U.
Shopping spree…. and all the ‘ma fan’ stuff that gotta do… I can understand that…
Wow! I now so sad, will miss you a lot! 🙁
heyy fatten up with malaysia food first before u leave ;p
that’s the best mushroom soup i ever had!!! gonna revisit for more of their signature soups!
hahaha. hohoho
tmr i am gonna evoke you with the power of puchasing! here comes the devil me~ wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!~
their set meal seem like not bad huh? Available everyday?
din they use to serve the soup in a bowl made of bread?
Haha, I guess it’s really normal for girls to have compulsive buying disorder, I like the term. Haha! Seems like the wild mushroom soup is really good, have to try it out someday!